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Now I’m just as addicted to TikTok as the next person, however, I have found it to be very beneficial in the realm of learning Italian! I have been following a lot of Italian content creators and binge-watching their videos so the algorithm can build my For You Page to be more Italian videos. I will embed some of my favourite TikToks from some of the creators I’ve been watching below with rough translations so you can understand them for your own viewing pleasure.

SONOANNOIATO is an Italian content creator who speaks more than just Italian. He also speaks English and some French in his videos, all with very basic and casual dialogues and dialects!

“Is TikTok the problem? Tiktok is the cause of my problems. Tiktok is the cause of my procrastination, the cause of my headaches. You are the problem, Tiktok.”

Honestly this video made me howl in laughter when I saw it, until I realized how real this was. Honestly, it had me debating if I should nix this blog post and start from scratch, but alas, we proceed.

A silly little video of a silly little Italian man enjoying his breakfast.

“The breakfast of champions! Gin tonic, and a croissant.”

We’ve all been there on vacation, and if you haven’t, you’re probably underage.

A little boy standing next to the easter egg that he got.

I have to be so honest with you guys, this dialect is something of a mystery to me. I have almost no idea what this child is saying other than a rough idea that he is addressing his “fans” and showing off his easter egg that he received.

This is a traditional easter egg that many children receive in Italy, although very seldomly this size. The eggs can be bought at any average grocery store and can be themed. This time last year when I was in Italy, my sister bought three of the Kinder Bueno, Winx themed eggs in hopes that she would get all three of the full sized figurines inside of them (no luck). There were Spider-Man eggs, Marvel eggs, Paw Patrol eggs, just about any theme on the planet, there was an egg for it. There were also just plainly wrapped eggs in decorative paper and string. Easter is a more popular holiday than Christmas in my northern region of Italy, where I’m from, so my relatives made it a big deal that my siblings and I got eggs for easter in Canada.

I love watching TikToks in Italian because the humour is universal, whilst the language and slang is something relatively new to me. This has been a super helpful way of picking up new terms, and just being able to hear the language on a daily basis!

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